Law of Attraction Sheild from Negative Future
Law of Attraction Sheild from Negative Future
The law of attraction is what creates a ripple effect into the universe that in turn makes a variety of events occur because of what you put out into it you will receive 10 times stronger back be it good or bad. That is why it is important to not dwell to heavily on negative thoughts of what if? This cleanse will last for 30 days with a physical ritual preformed daily along with astral insight. This will reduce greatly the law of attractions actions that will in the future put you on a different road in life. Your own troublesome thoughts will not be sent out into the universe both subconscious and consciously including what loved ones may unknowingly send out from worry or what they may feel is best. Instead of these energies will immediately dissipate. Unlike with cleanses no side effects will be felt with this but it is not abnormal to feel a little more positive.