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The Ivory Pagan

Immortal Devotees. Each Has Unique Abilities Depending on Deity

Immortal Devotees. Each Has Unique Abilities Depending on Deity

Regular price $20.00 USD
Regular price $20.00 USD Sale price $20.00 USD
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These are beings who take dedication to their god or goddess very seriously even after death they have chosen to serve them by their side with intense respect and honor. They when living they devoted time to their deity putting them above all else and were able to learn from what was shared with them through visionary works. Now as deceased they have much knowledge and experience directly from that immortal for hundreds, some thousands of years. Depending on what type of devotee you choose their specialties will differ. A follower of Baphomet would be different in several ways than one of Aphrodite. These men and women do share general abilities that can help in psychic, luck, financial increase and will help you to bond further with a certain immortal if you like. They can also call upon other devotees in their realm so occasionally you might get a visit.

Your name is needed and you may either bind directly, 3 body bind (available in a separate listing) or provide a photo of a vessel you own by email.


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